17 апреля в 15:00 в аудитории Е-505 состоится открытая лекция Тома Дисона, профессора политологии и международных отношений университета Royal Holloway, University of London.
Тема лекции: «European Defence Cooperation and the Changing Balance of Power».
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Описание лекции
The shift in US strategic priorities towards the Asia-Pacific region, combined with the declining defence budgets of the West European powers makes European
defence cooperation under the auspices of the EU increasingly imperative. Yet despite progress since the launch of the EU's
Common Security and Defence Policy in 1999, Europe is characterised by significant collective military deficits. This
lecture explores the prospects for deeper European cooperation in defence. It challenges existing accounts of European defence
cooperation by arguing that Stephen Walt's 'balance of threat' theory provides the most convincing account of convergence and
differentiation in the willingness of European states to establish greater European military autonomy.